Friday, October 10, 2014

Klaasipeegelduste spirit; Non-window view of the Poodle twin, who stopped for a moment to look curi

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One jgi flowing water and the shore break rebit pl is the pain hkuv land in TNA history will be mrkja path morn boat sitja taciturn rndaja not keep away from the herd, he paddles through the trees where the rate n JID itab months off in the distant kaduvikus smiles KLM deal with the bare trees peel Tis aimless arrows are upset with pues tummalt beats Scream sda leaves more than kdunevad vahkes ues and jtund trail meanders Great earthly labazur front rndaja you waiting labazur for Offshore sgavust tis the soul and warmth of the blood center sinilaotust krgeaulist sky so finally you will find the ship's own white kluu judging labazur 10/10/2014
I will not be able to touch your innermost self pshholoogi clinical mhmh, Uh-huh, and I'm afraid to die, I want to live how to build itself from scratch les, beebinutust Well, this is what possibilities there are things that no details have been criticizing the ING 10/10/2014
Klaasipeegelduste spirit; Non-window view of the Poodle twin, who stopped for a moment to look curiously and eagerly, new tip, but the specter of a second or a third, who sits on the other side of the viewing window, a glass or two of it, and will raise their sleepy storage have to book in order to see the HT active body (without doubles) to leave all the rest of the world melt in hte back of his mdub scenery out the window as the train wagons. Fantasm-shifted reflective lbipaistvas ebavedelikus who jlle lowers his head and between the covers of a book in itself, and without knowing the time, to read it in its liku mtetest by the end of the doorjamb enough, she still stumbles and jlle. Maimur McKenzie judging 10/10/2014
I'll carry you uneliiva paths that pudenemas pskedelt mornings, warm memories of the ascetic room, in another reality, snade klatus vowed falling from your lips, kisses labazur abandoned runway in red dresses contours of the back, we pierced t elhedal, minutes before the door closes. I'll carry you, quickly labazur go out sgisvalguses, distancing steps reflected hazily tnavalt, titmatus thjuses between the two quite deeply in himself. imelik999 judging 10/09/2014
You give people four hours idiotic Channel 2 program in daily election promises, which do not need to understand the people, but monkeys journalism that reflects the discussion, instead of people who are known for their body parts after the MNE and wonder labazur why they turn into little . anonymous2525 judging 10/08/2014
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