Home Announc streets Package system solar Battery solar big systems solar Circular light solar control solar garden solar hot water solar info board solar module solar pathway solar salt water solar stones table lamps solar street lighting solar Transformer solar wall solar water pump from its predecessor, the company I work
Solar Esotec wand NO 10810 solar unter wasser NO 1800 solar wand strahl NO 901022 seventeen projects in northern Germany six projects in Spain and the lighting project long roads fifty kilometers table lamps in Ghana projects has for the center's main Germany lighting projects roads in Uganda Our projects table lamps have been implemented four projects for the long roads more than a hundred kilometers projects to extract water from the earth to one of the farms Uganda six projects in the field of extraction of water for farms in collaboration with one of the solar companies in Uganda more than fifteen projects have been carrying out resting on a farm Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hussein Ibrahim strongly five kilowatt distributed over the entire Farm provide table lamps electrical power company workers to establish the European countryside. By Egypt ALEXANDRIA 43 separate room Villa Engineer table lamps Mr. Afifi Joseph Chairman Afifi Investment City in October Cairo Villsidh Sahar Hussein Khairy to illuminate the villa times Taary strongly five kilowatt hours with lighting walkways villa lamps solar Villa businessman Abdel Razek Sherbini. Total capacity of thirty kWh Villa regional director table lamps for the Coca-Cola Company table lamps Internatioanl accidentally Egypt Alexandria Desert. Total energy using solar cells 30 kWh Staff, Department of installation and maintenance of the company during the installation of one Alanzationanarh road in Uganda after the completion of the installation is part of the power generating system of the villa from the predecessor of our Arab Republic table lamps of Egypt one of the Worlds, Department installations and maintenance of the company during the completion of the final stages of connections Villa great actress Sumaya Khashab Helietech system NO 160200 TYP 07/1200 NO 019030 SXT 2000 Turbo NO 019020 Pumpe TBP 70 NO 019010 Tief pumpe 120 M NO 019140 Tief pumpe 15 M NO 019110 Direct pumpe C14 / 5 NO 019120 Direct pumpe C15 / 2 NO 019110 Direct pumpe C15 / 1 NO 019100 big set 29,58 KW NO 300G big set 11,38 KW NO 290G big set 3,960 KW NO 380G big set 9,36 KW NO 360G big set 7,88 NO 350G big set 10,08 kw NO 340G big set 6,48 kw NO 330G big set 4,86 kw NO 320G big set 1,98 kw NO 310G spot set NO 140600 spot set NO 140600 psckage 180 NO 140660 psckage 180 NO 140660 psckage 180 NO 140650 psckage 120 NO 140640 psckage 800 NO 140680 Annonc 5 3 M NO 60130 Annonc table lamps 4 8 M NO 60130 Annonc 4 10 M NO 60120 Annonc 2 1 M NO 60110 DETA Effekta safnar NO 011 SVL pampy NO 019 SVL Streig NO 013 SVL Montas NO 017 SVL
- Stainless steel enclosure for wall mounting - 2x white super bright LED 4 chip. - 2x ASI German manufacturing solar modules - Large, slightly table lamps curved light area - Illuminated area for printing table lamps abnehmbar
Die information board has a large, slightly curved plastic illuminated area, which (also for the label or printing switches are used, for example screen printing) out cab. Die light on automatically at night and again at daybreak.
Die Leuchte schaltet sich bei Nacht automatisch ein und bei Tagesanbruch wieder aus. Bestehend table lamps aus hochwertigen Edelstahlgehäuse. Große Leuchtstärke durch 2 weiße superhelle 4-Chip Leuchtdioden und doppelter Solarmodulfläche.
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