Wednesday, July 16, 2014

this.p gentos = {m: 2, b: 2, id:

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Anthem Lights( ƣ Ҳ Ϊ š ) Yellow Cavalierɫ ʿ һ ʲ ά ӡ
2007 죬 Ƶ һԱ ķ Ը ݿ ʼ ʱ ʱ Ϊ ҵİ ס ס ɼ һΪ ķĸ ݳ д 衣 Ĺ ɺ Dz ʶ Լ д ĸ ʺ Ŷ ԣ ķ ɴ ѧ Libety University ѧУ ϵ Ӷ Ϊ ӳ Ա ķ þ ҵ Ӻ ʵ ѡ ո e-mail Ľ ķ ɼ?ķɻ 棬 Ǻ Ϊ ӵ һԱ Ҳ ӡ
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this.p gentos = {m: 2, b: 2, id: 'fks_087064082081086071084082085071072087088068080094087065087087, blogTitle:' gentos Anthem Lights, blogAbstract: 'Anthem Lights( ƣ Ҳ Ϊ š ) Yellow Cavalierɫ ʿ һ, blogTag:'', gentos blogUrl: 'blog/static/19748123120131079390109, isPublished: 1, istop : false, type: 0, modifyTime: 1383831612035, publishTime: 1383831611971, Permalink: 'blog/static/19748123120131079390109, commentCount: 0, mainCommentCount: 0, recommendCount: 0, bsrk: -100, publisherId: 0, recomBlogHome: false, currentRecomBlog: false, attachmentsFileIds: [], vote: {}, groupInfo: {}, friendstatus: 'none', followstatus: 'unFollow', pubSucc:'', visitorProvince:'', visitorCity:'', visitorNewUser: false, postAddInfo:{"postAdSetting":{"title":" ʤ ","linkUrl":"[M_ADIP]&ni=[M_IESID]&na=[M_MAC]&","imageUrl":"","linkUrl2":"","expireDay":"3","modifyTime":"1405304775795","imageUrl2":"","targetProvince":"","flashUrl":""},"isAdShow":true,"postAdContent":{"special":[{"title":" һλ ѧ ĸ ı ","url":""},{"title":" ɣ " ӵ Ů" ڵĿ ","url":""},{"title":" շ ѽ ӵ ","url":""}],"blog":[{"title":" " "","pic":"","url":""},{"title":" һ ã ʤ ս δ ","url":""},{"title":" 쵼 Ǹ ٿ ","url":""},{"title":" ĸ Ϸ " Ϲ "С ","url":""},{"title":"Ϊʲô Ҫ ս ٻ ","url":""},{"title":" պ ͷ ಲ " β "","url":""}]}}, mset: '000 ', mcon:'', srk: -100, remindgoodnightblog: false, isBlackVisitor: false, gentos isShowYodaoAd: true, hostIntro:'', hmcon: '1', selfRecomBlogCount: gentos '0 ', lofter_single:' '} {list} {if x's cum! x}
{Hyphae x.moveFrom == 'you'} {elseif x.moveFrom == 'iphone'} {elseif x.moveFrom == 'android'} {elseif x.moveFrom == 'mobile'} {/ if} $ { FN (x.visitorNickname, 8) | escape} {/ if} {/ list} {if!!'s} $ {FN (a.nickname, 8) | escape}
$ {X.referUserName | escape} {/ list} {list of cum x} {if!! X} $ {x.title | default: "" | escape} {/ if} {/ list} {list of cum x {} if!! x} $ {x.title | default: "" gentos | escape} {/ if} {/ list} {list} {if x's cum! {x} $ x.blogTile | default: "" | escape} {/ if} {/ list} {list of cum x} {if x_index> 4} {break} {/ if} {if!! x} $ {fn1 (x.title, gentos 60) | escape} $ {fn2 (x.publishTime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss')} {/ if} {/ list} {list of cum x} {if!! x} $ {FN (x.title, 26 ) | escape} {/ if} {/ list} {if!! (blogDetail.preBlogPermalink)}
{List} {if x's cum! {X} $ x.nickName | escape} {var Ͷ Ʊ first_option = true;}} {{list x.voteDetailList gentos cum voteToOption hyphae voteToOption == 1} {if first_option gentos == false}, {/ if} $ {b [voteToOption_index]} {/ if} {/ list} {if (x.role! = "-1")}, $ {c [x.role]} {/ if} $ {fn1 (x.voteTime) x.userName ==''} {if} {/ if} {/ if} {/ list}

$ {Xg} {list} $ {yn y XL cum} {/ l

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