Saturday, April 25, 2015

we share as follows. half-way, half and half another way of another kind. a pizza. at one meter. 13

we share as follows. half-way, half and half another way of another kind. a pizza. at one meter. 13. hermitage one meter belly man = monument erected in honor of fallen hero woman belly = Beats wanted to write something but I have forgotten. how different can be a patch of dirt that is the difference between the spot and dirty. letters are completely different. in a dirty letter P theorem octo we find the tesla-n balls chicken on a wire and a wire coi coi the other coupled wires and plug-n balls do tesla (happening tesla-n balls.) organs, matze, asphalt brain images horror ugly fingers reattached cica one that was small feet in height and has raised 15 inches. olny one that did not have money for both. and then I changed poa religion to say, - what the fuck, to die and one of them, you can look in the mirror to see how you look dead? Is a question that I did not find it comical and returning to the difference between stained and dirty: who understood, to answer the following question: in Dirty Diana, Diana is spotted or dirty? what can you shit on someone? I mean, fuck, catch an opinion and you poop on it! Dobromir live broadcast of the family hut in Sierra Leone, comes from a family that was navigator, wrecked or failed, his ship was captured by a criminal group of pirates who operate in the area because electromangnetic flow and movement exfluviala merger of trace organic compounds positive, octo are in constant motion, the division undervalued micro manage habitat extrapus individual cell, we concluded that: go fuck-n bro! I swore that does not mean someone Dobromir family had a bakery and bread made from rice green beet. but the pizza was not edible laryngeal so by disrupting the dynamics of Plasmopara oxidianului catagorico-pseudoidian, ordered a "yes shaworma all" without cabbage. no, I think the pizza with everything she needs to know if you ketch-up sweet or hot checiap. Hodog with checiap. The strange thing is that everyone octo is caught. octo Question: Excuse me, what time? Answer: 5 Questions: morning octo or evening? Dobromir family can make origami-shaped neurons. And not anyway, but life size do me and my thousand origami paper in the form of waterfall with clear water and flowers at the base or not, origami shaped inflection Dobromir family has done disco on Besides baking. octo reflectors were made of disco lights tractors and bicycles octo dynamo driven by rats. dedication is paying 5 SLL (Sierra Leonean Leone - Sierra Leone currency)
2014 (3) June (1) March (2) 2013 (9) November (9) yellow apple here's your coke hobbit thank u believe me on this ... claneta Cashir, Caracii lived a violent life .. . cyborg ancient. all about anyway ... we share crust Crengi follows. half-way, half ... 2012 (1) May (1) 2011 (14) October (4) June (2) May (3) April (3) March (1) January octo (1) 2010 (49) December (4) November (4) October (1) August (8) July (2) June (9) April (6) March (14) January (1) 2009 (8) November (1) July (3) February (3) January (1) 2008 (13) December (10) November (3)

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