Wednesday, March 12, 2014

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Embryo veteran politician, Kingunge Ngombale Miru, Tonny Miru has led dock in Kisutu Resident Magistrate Court in Dar es Salaam, was facing charges of making Sh 424 million through fraud. Police inspector, Emma Mkonyi, today he read the charges against son, Nominated Member of Parliament. In the first trial, accused Miru, in conjunction with fellow strangers in date and place in Dar es Salaam pasipofahamika d light conspired to stealing from the company of SCI (TZ) LTD the same amount of money. In the second trial, the accused had allegedly forged bank form to transfer funds E17 Numbered August 29, 2008. According to Mkonyi, the young man had forged the same form for the purpose of showing that it was valid and signed by Rasiman Ravishankar, Director of the company d light with not knowing the truth. The third trial, he claimed in court that, on August 29, 2008, in Barclays bank in Ohio Street, Dar es Salaam the form presented to an employee of the bank, Chiza Bituni, as he knew that it was not valid. It is claimed also that, between September and October 2008 in the bank CRDB branch of Kijitonyama, Dar es Salaam, the accused had acquired Sh 424,458,799.29 from the account number 01j014293000 indicating that these funds are legitimate presented by the company SCI (TZ) LMD go to the company Temm Power Solution. Accused remanded him reinstated after denying all charges and failing to comply with bail conditions yaliyomtaka have two references. Miru also had to give Sh 10 million and the certificate of real estate valued d light it shall be as specified hiyo.Kesi August 31 this year. Resident Magistrate Gabriel Mirumbe, Tonny asked as a child of Kingunge Ngombale Miru, answered that Kingunge is his father.
Bambataa Bongo Bored Dj Ink Dj Fetty fatherkidevu full joy Kanumba kilinyepesi d light Komando Jide Massanja Mas'udi Mouse mateja20 Sauces built lamps for lighting hymn Ray web Emerald
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