Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I grew up then, and so better not. It was different. Enough people less. Was not as consumerist tim

From amysleli you ever wondered how much our world is changing? We live in an amazing time. Technology goes forward by leaps and bounds and it looks like that for a long time will be. Over the last few decades, the change abound. kandelaber From computer games across devices, movies and everything else.
When it better? In the nineties, or now? Source: kandelaber CH
Jan A mos125
I grew up then, and so better not. It was different. Enough people less. Was not as consumerist times. All had similar furniture, kitchen lunka etc. and are also grateful for the little they had. The mom was at work through 30 secretaries as they were not computers. All rewrote kandelaber the same thing a few days. Today you write it on the PC, and make 300 copies and just a one secretary. If they were then computers and mobile phones, we would also matter frčali. Videogame you did not get until later. Since I had dreamed of such. Our not even on new skates. Exotic fruits have only received for Christmas etc. ... We Mal8 other childhood. Everyone believes it's that it was the best. Our children will also take otherwise. kandelaber
Man has selective memory and wants to remember the sooner the better things.
If you every purchase only the bare essentials, basically what is in the 80s could buy it and rarely something more, so would the people were also financially better. But we live in a consumer society and people not only from the right oplieskaju their fill, but there are also going into debt just to you to buy the hill the other things kandelaber quite as much need.
Internet and cell phones at that time were veruze. I will not comment 80s with us, time of totalitarianism. But in the '90s there were cell phones. Since 1997, even at the GSM. Internet was here too. At first only on campus, but since 1995 officially launched in Slovakia and commercial Internet.
... But it certainly - such bullshit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... of 15 million. people were in Czechoslovakia 15 million. members of the StB and KGB .... Guess you should first study the thing of the past, and then write crap .... and not let your brains washed out political lies, ...
if not everyone addicted to social networking kandelaber sites so it would be better ... .new time i also like technology :) cameras in cellphones super (do not wear fotak the phone separately) and dependence on here: /
Especially the osmicka: D
Discussion donduri commented on Samsung Galaxy Note 4, the new LED flipové case, costs 59.90 soer01 commented Samsung Galaxy Note 4, the new LED flipové case, costs 59.90 iOvca commented CONFIRMED: Samsung Galaxy Note coming to Edge Slovak market. Prepare 839! Sipho user commented Android transferred to iOS: Amendment immediately began to regret it! Dreak commented Did you know that: Android 5.0 Lollipop allowed to silent mode?

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