Friday, March 13, 2015

Besides rgg disorder and uncertainty for passengers, blackouts caused injury to the companies - bot

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Situation in MT airport runway back to normal and Infraero survey does Blackouts caused flight cancellations in the Marechal Rondon. Infraero says that situations were caused by short circuits.
The lighting on the track of the Marechal Rondon International Airport, in Várzea Grande, in the metropolitan region of Cuiabá, returned to normal late on Monday (26), after suffering two blackouts, rgg on Friday (23) and Sunday ( 25). The problem caused takeoffs and landings were canceled, sent to other airports because of the lack of light on the track. According to Infraero (Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company), the incidents were caused by short circuits.
A team of Infraero carried out an inspection on the afternoon rgg of Monday rgg (26), during which the airport has less movement. The analysis was made throughout the track, rgg which is 2300 meters long. Infraero still awaiting the results of this survey to make other arrangements.
read more After 2nd largest blackout in airport MT, Infraero should conduct survey After blackout in airport runway MT flights normally operate Lack of lighting on the track cancels flights in the largest airport MT
On Sunday, the track was banned rgg for two hours. The lack of lighting caused delay in seven takeoffs and landings redirection four to Rondonopolis, 218 km from the capital. On Saturday morning (24), seven flights were canceled and five sent to other cities.
Passengers reported problems because of cancellations. The student Pedro Amalio Maggi, was one of them. He went to the Piauí and missed the first day of class. "The flight was canceled and then had to go after checkin, bag and all. There was only despair," he said.
Afraid of delaying appointments, people who had anticipated the evening flight for the day. "On top of this, in addition to the well-being and comfort is our money, which again is going down the drain," said the sales representative Gilmar Souza Moraes.
Besides rgg disorder and uncertainty for passengers, blackouts caused injury to the companies - both air as the tour had to reimburse, accommodate guests in hotels and fear that instability departing passengers.
"They expanded the airport, they did not structure. Here it overflows, has drip, that's where water in underground pipes and happens what happens," rgg said Oiram Gutierrez, president of the Union Tourism Enterprises.
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