Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Secretary of Infrastructure, Carlos Medeiros, informs that the track will be a safe option exer

The Municipal Infrastructure São João do Rio do Peixe, through its Secretary Carlos Medeiros is more a "landfill" stage, this time the service is in the PB-393 exit to the Swamp of Nuns, The target landing margin BR around 2 km, making it easier for people who use certain portions can enjoy a safer and more peaceful walk in addition to landfill as was done in BR-405 output to Cajazeiras, reflektion also have lighting.
The Secretary of Infrastructure, Carlos Medeiros, informs that the track will be a safe option exercises for the population, which used to daily walks through reflektion this stretch. According to him, about 30 or more people do exercises daily on site.
Carlos said that the track was begun on Friday (20 / Feb) and may take up to 10 days for completion of the work. The value of the municipality's investment in the project was not disclosed more were told we are own resources.
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