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Lack of structure and lighting in athletics track athletes revolt in the IP Local suffers long with lack of infrastructure and investment, says athlete. UESPI said it is already taking steps to solve the problem.
The lack of structure and lighting in the sports bega sector of the State University of Piauí (UESPI) has revolted the Piaui athletes who are preparing for athletic competitions throughout Brazil. The site, which the athletes suffer long with the lack of attention from the government, is unlit. Who needs the place to train at night, can not count on the space. The UESPI said it is already taking steps to solve the problems and that in the coming days the situation bega can return to normal. According to the athletes training in place, many fear the loss of the scholarship they receive for not presenting results due to the drop in performance in competitions. According to the athlete Genivania Gabriela, many of the training at night are forced to stay in one part of the track, one place with energy. "I prefer to arrive early to train in the hot sun to train at night because it has no power and can not do anything. Besides the lack of security, which is a danger, it may be an accident with us," he said. Have the athlete Thiago Willian da Silva, says the precarious location is not something recent. bega "Lack materials and resources to the tracks," he said. According to Lucas de Sousa assistant coach, athletes preparing for athletic competitions do not have the proper structure and many fear the cutting of grants they receive. "If bega they fail results and lose the bag, they get no income for that. So many give up because of that, for lack of structure and the non-return of the sport," he said. The Piaui State University said it is taking steps to solve the problems and that in the coming days the situation can return to normal.
Wed Feb 25 2015 08:32:58 -0300 25/02/2015
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