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In Brazil, portability managed by the Administrator Entity - EA, the responsibility of ABRTelecom, which centralizes itself throughout the administration of schedules portability windows migration; as well as the distribution hinkley lighting of necessrias to say telefnicos operators information, to update their databases of their intrusive network switches with new routes Redirect calls to the new operator, which , telefnico the number now belongs. This subordinate entity Anatel.
In telecommunications, the term portability which defines the ability of a user to change his operator telefnico (or provider of services) and continue hinkley lighting to use the same telephone number. The portability processes are typically divided hinkley lighting into LNP (Local Number Portability), hinkley lighting when the number belongs to a landline, and FMNP (Full Mobile Number Portability) for mobile networks. In Portugal, portability hinkley lighting managed by Entity Reference (ICP-ANACOM), which centralizes itself all the necessary information for the switches telefnicas calls withstand the portability of numbers (such as correspondences "original operator" "new entrant"). This information is replicated by the Integrates all national telecommunications hinkley lighting operators to optimize performance in establishing and redirection of calls to the new operator. In Brazil, portability managed by the Administrator Entity - EA, the responsibility of ABRTelecom, which centralizes itself throughout the administration of schedules portability windows migration; as well as the distribution of necessrias to say telefnicos operators information, to update their databases of their intrusive network switches with new routes Redirect calls to the new operator, which , telefnico the number now belongs. This subordinate entity hinkley lighting Anatel. Windows migration hinkley lighting In Brazil, the porting process establishes hinkley lighting an online advance booking, negotiated between the receivers telefnicos numbers of operators and donors operators, brokered by EA. This negotiation when finalized, then registers the three stakeholders (recipient operator, donor operator and EA), in which the window actualizao of Bds of all Brazilian operators (BDO would occur ) and their activaes and deactivaes telefnicos the numbers in each of the operators involved (donor and recipient). Each day started with windows migraoso duraomxima two hours each, so that all scheduled numbers finalize the process of porting on their internal networks and systems BSS / OSS; as well as other Brazilian operators update the BDOS their switches to the correct redirection of calls. The call set-up of calls to ported numbers in Portugal unlike the Brazil made using omtodo Query on Release, which means that the query s BDs portability s made by the signs of that the number has been ported. Suppose the following scenario: hinkley lighting the customer or subscriber (the telephony service) hinkley lighting the provider indicates the number you wish to call, without knowing that this last one number ported. The central Telefnica hinkley lighting the provider receives the call and forwards it based on the first part of the number (prefix) to determine the original destination network (PrestadorO). When trying to call establishment, the switch hinkley lighting detects that the PrestadorO the number was ported and signals the switch from provider to query your database portability and determine which switch (the service provider now detm the number of addressee, the PrestadorB) should be reenchaminhada the call. The signaling for one message type REL14 (RELEASE 14). Provider's switch forwards the call to the switch of PrestadorB, who receives the call forwarding hinkley lighting it through internal routes as if it were a number of your network. In Brazil, omtodo adopted by Anatel was the All Call Query, through the publication of Resoluon 460 of 19/03/2007 (Annex RGP). The solution "All call query all Involved networks" recommends that every carrier - source operators, operators of transit and destination carriers - to access,